Dr. John C. Mauro
Member, National Academy of Engineering Fellow, National Academy of Inventors Dr. John C. Mauro is Dorothy Pate Enright Professor and Associate Head for Graduate Education in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at The Pennsylvania State University. John earned a B.S. in Glass Engineering Science (2001), B.A. in Computer Science (2001), and Ph.D. in Glass Science (2006), all from Alfred University. He joined Corning Incorporated in 1999 and served in multiple roles there, including Senior Research Manager of the Glass Research department. John is the inventor or co-inventor of several new glass compositions for Corning, including Corning Gorilla Glass products. John joined the faculty at Penn State in 2017 and is currently a world-recognized expert in fundamental and applied glass science, statistical mechanics, computational and condensed matter physics, thermodynamics and kinetics, and the topology of disordered networks. John is the author of over 340 peer-reviewed publications and is the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of the American Ceramic Society. He is co-author of Fundamentals of Inorganic Glasses, 3rd ed. (Elsevier, 2019), the definitive textbook on glass science and technology, and author of the newly published textbook, Materials Kinetics: Transport and Rate Phenomena (Elsevier, 2021). John is a Fellow of the National Academy of Inventors with 72 granted U.S. patents. John is also a Fellow of the American Ceramic Society and the Society of Glass Technology. He is a Member of the National Academy of Engineering.

Dr. Maziar Montazerian
Dr. Maziar Montazerian is an Assistant Research Professor in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at the Pennsylvania State University. His academic background and industrial working experience as a ceramic/glass engineer have prepared him to be a researcher and instructor. His doctoral dissertation was conducted through the support of The World Academy of Science. They examined the effects of zirconia addition on the biological and mechanical properties of gel-derived bioactive glass-ceramics. Then, his current interests revolve around advancing models and methodologies for designing, evaluating, and enhancing biomaterials, with a particular focus on bio-glasses and dental glass-ceramics. His research also encompasses tests, improvement, or development of nucleation and growth models for glasses. Some of his works have been recognized and published in renowned scientific journals such as Chemical Reviews, Progress in Materials Science, International Materials Review, Acta Biomaterialia, and JACerS. Beyond his scholarly contributions, Dr. Montazerian has also made contributions to the ceramic industry, leading workshops on digital printing technology and defect diagnosis and therapy. He is also the associate/guest editor of the Journal of the American Ceramic Society, International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology, Materials-MDPI, Frontiers in Research Metrics and Analytics, and the member of the American Ceramic Society.
Dr. Murilo C. Crovace
Murilo has a Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering (emphasis in technological development) from the Federal University of São Carlos (2013) and a Masters in Materials Science and Engineering (emphasis in ceramic materials) from the same institution (2009). He is the co-founder of the startup VETRA Bioceramics (2014), created during his Post Doc. He is currently an Adjunct Professor of the Department of Materials Engineering at UFSCar (DEMa/UFSCar), working mainly on the following topics: bioactive glass and glass ceramics, tissue engineering, additive manufacturing, and sintering. He has published about 27 articles in indexed journals and has five submitted patents (one is already approved in the USA and EU).

Dr. Shiv P. Singh
Shiv entered the world of glass and completed his Ph.D. on optical properties of glass and nano-metal doped glass nano-composites from Central Glass and Ceramic Research Institute, Kolkata, India, in 2012. He has a wide range of experiences in glass science. He has worked on oxides, oxy-nitride, and metallic systems at the different high-reputation institutes. Moreover, he has hands-on experience in synthesizing glasses by melt-quenching, inert gas condensation, and sputtering techniques. He has also worked on glass-ceramics and their properties. At present, he is working as a scientist at the International Advanced Research Center for Powder Metallurgy and New Materials (ARCI). His current area of research is on the synthesis of various types of glasses and their properties.

Dr. Benjamin J. A. Moulton
Ben is a geoscientist who works at the interface between geology, mineralogy, materials science and engineering. His focus in on silicate melt structure and its role in thermal expansion, compression and crystallization. Dr. Moulton’s experimental work is centered around Raman spectroscopy and X-ray absorption spectroscopy. Ben grew up on the east coast of Canada and finished his Masters in physical volcanology at the University of Ottawa before turning to high pressure applications of spectroscopy at the University of Toronto. More recently, he has working on the role of structure in crystallization in barium silicates. This research into crystallization has been accelerated as a member of the Center for Research, Technology and Education in Vitreous Materials (CeRTEV) in São Carlos, SP, Brazil. Dr. Moulton is also an invited member of ICG’s Technical Committee #26 on Structure and Vibrations in glass.

Dr. Araceli P. Martín
Araceli's research activities in glass and glass-ceramics are among her core competencies. She finished her studies in chemistry in 2007 in Madrid, Spain. Shortly afterward (2008), she started her Ph.D. in the glass department at the Ceramic and Glass Institute in Madrid and graduated in 2012. Then, she joined the Optical Materials and Technologies business unit of the Fraunhofer Institute for Microstructure of Materials and Systems (IMWS) in Halle, Germany. During 8 years at IMWS, she was involved in academic and non-academic projects. In 2017 she became one of the three principal investigators for the DFG project "Visualising the evolution of crystallisation and mineralisation of bioactive glasses". In June 2020, she joined the bioactive glasses group at the Otto-Schott Institute of Material Research (University Jena, Germany). She is currently a researcher at Wilhelm Dyckerhoff Institute!

Glauber R.C. Cerqueira
Glauber holds a mechanical technical degree from CEEP-Feira de Santana and a Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering from UNIFACS-Salvador. He is now pursuing a Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering at UFCG, Campina Grande. His interest in biomaterials was sparked during his undergraduate research on metallic materials for orthopedic prostheses. During his master's, he focused on polymeric materials, developing PVA and chitosan scaffolds for bone tissue engineering using solution blow spinning. He currently works at CERTBIO-UFCG, studying bioactive glasses and drug delivery for combating bone cancer, and is supported by a CNPQ scholarship.

Emanuela C. Luna
Emanuela holds a chemistry degree and a Master's in medicinal chemistry from UEPB. Her research experience includes quality control of medicines, synthesis and evaluation of photocatalysts, and developing methodologies for removing cyanotoxins. She is now a doctoral student and CNPq scholarship holder at UFCG, studying mesoporous bioactive glass for osteosarcoma cancer treatment.

Former Members
Maria E.V. Barreto
Maria holds a materials engineering degree from UFCG and is now pursuing a Master's degree at the same institution. She also has a technical degree in Oil & Gas from IFPB, which first introduced her to materials science. During her bachelor's degree, she spent four years as a researcher at CERTBIO-UFCG, focusing on materials applied to healthcare, and has experience in synthesizing and characterizing composite biomaterials. She currently works as an analyst at CERTBIO and is a member of the bio-glass research group, working on developing composites for wound treatment using bioactive glass and biopolymer.

Amirhossein Rakhsha
Amir is a graduate student in chemical engineering at McMaster University, Canada. Right now, he is focusing on developing advanced polymeric based materials for electrochemical reduction of carbon dioxide. He also has a background in synthesizing and characterizing the nanostructures of ZnO for UV-detector devices and photocatalytic applications. He is very passionate about science and always open to expanding his research horizon. He has already published a paper with us and another one is about to be published.

Rebeca P. Medeiros
Rebeca was an undergraduate materials engineering student at UFCG and also served as the president of the Academic Center of Materials Engineering and a project assistant at CEMEPOL. At LASMAV-UFCG, she developed glass-ceramics from recycled hollow glasses, and later worked as an analyst at CERTBIO-UFCG, evaluating medical devices and biomaterials using HPLC-DAD-MS and GC-FID-MS. Her focus was synthesizing and characterizing mesoporous bioactive glass for bone tissue engineering.

Geovanna V.S. Gonçalves
Geovanna holds a technical degree in Oil and Gas from IFPB, where she researched welding coatings on metallic materials for a year, published articles, and presented work at conferences. She's currently studying materials engineering at UFCG, and spent three years at CERTBIO conducting research on calcium phosphates and silicates ceramic biomaterials, publishing several articles. Geovanna actively participated in academic life during her studies, serving as director of projects for the Materials Engineering Academic Center and as an advisor for the Projects department of CEMEPOL. Currently, she's an engineering intern at Braskem in the Reliability and Strategic Maintenance sector.